Fears realized as Turkey, Syria shaken by third quake

STORY: A familiar sense of terror was felt by those on the Turkey-Syria border - as the ground began to shake beneath their feet for the third time in a fortnight.

Around half a dozen people were killed in the latest earthquake to strike the area, authorities said on Tuesday (February 21).

This dash cam footage shows the moment the disaster hit in the southern Turkish province of Hatay.

The 6.4 magnitude quake occurred on Monday near Antakya and was felt in Syria, Egypt and Lebanon.

Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority said it was followed by 90 aftershocks.

Havva Tuncay was living in a tent set up in the center of Antakya when this latest earthquake hit.

The previous quakes left her and her children homeless.

"I cannot sleep at night. Is the same thing going to happen, are we going to experience another earthquake? We are very scared. I haven't slept for a week. It's reached a certain level that sometimes I cannot feel my feet."

Rescue work from the initial tremors on February 6 has been winding down, but the empty shells of what used to be people's homes remain.

The Bayrakci family is just one example of those trying to recover what is left of their belongings.

Yasir says he lost his sister - one of 15 siblings. After they found her body in the rubble six days later, they finally laid her to rest.

"After we buried our own relatives who lost their lives (in the quake) and knowing they can rest in peace now, we are trying to salvage whatever is in the house as we can't bring those lives back and we have to live, we have no other choice."

President Tayyip Erdogan's government has faced criticism about what many Turks said was a slow emergency response to the first quake.

And is also under scrutiny over construction policies that meant thousands of apartment buildings crumbled on victims when disaster struck.

He has promised a swift reconstruction effort - but experts say that could be a recipe for another disaster if safety steps are sacrificed in the race to rebuild.

The death toll from the catastrophic quakes of two weeks ago has surpassed 47,000 people, and thousands of homes have been damaged or destroyed.