FBI probes NYC Mayor over missing China trip records


Federal agents are investigating New York City Mayor Eric Adams' use of private email addresses and the disappearance of records from seven trips he made to China. The FBI and Manhattan federal prosecutors are examining a trip partially funded by the Chinese Communist Party during Adams’ tenure as Brooklyn Borough President. The probe is part of a broader investigation into alleged public corruption involving Adams and key adviser Winnie Greco.

  • The investigation: Adams allegedly used personal emails that were not stored on government servers, making it difficult to trace details about his China trips. These trips, made between 2014 and 2021, were partly funded by a nonprofit run by Greco, who was alleged to be a “consultant” to CCCP-backed organizations. The Mayor's Office denies using private servers for official business, stating that the China trip was approved by the Conflicts of Interest Board, although a copy of the approval letter was not provided.

  • Catch up: The ongoing investigation began when the FBI raided the homes of Greco in February, following a report questioning her political fundraising and potential misuse of her position for personal benefits. Federal agents also previously seized the electronic devices of Adams, who is accused of receiving illegal contributions from the Turkish government through straw donors. Adams has denied any wrongdoing, and a spokesperson stated they would fully cooperate with the investigation.

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