Fahmi questions motive behind survey on 100 day of Anwar govt by five media outlets

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 — Lembah Pantai MP Fahmi Fadzil has today questioned the motive behind a survey conducted via five news organisations to commemorate the 100 days of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s administration.

The Communications and Digital minister said the survey by the social engagement centre O2 Malaysia had plenty of question marks surrounding it, pointing to its sample population and timing.

“When the article came out they said the survey was for 100 days but we haven’t even touched 100 days when it was published. The sample had too many men, 81 per cent men when it should be more to 31 to 41 per cent. Not only that, many experts are questioning its methodology.

“If the experts feel this way then we need to ask what the motive behind this and I feel this report is insincere and dishonest especially from a mainstream paper. I’ll be meeting them to ask them what the intention was, be it promotion or flare they trying to dupe the public,” he told reporters here.

The 100 days of the current administration is slated for March 4.

The survey had involved 35,077 respondents through five media outlets: Sinar Harian, Awani, The Star, Sin Chew and Malaysia Nanban.

It had among others said that 1 per cent of Malay respondents in Peninsular Malaysia were dissatisfied with the new government’s fulfilment of the 15th general election manifesto, and only 45 per cent of respondents felt the country was moving in the right direction.

The same survey also identified the 10 most outstanding ministers with Transport Minister Anthony Loke topping the list. He received 49 per cent of the votes.

"The day the prime minister reaches his 100 days will be on March 4 not February 26. So why is the survey for 100 days? As for me, I'll hit 100 days on March 15," Fahmi said, referring to the date he clocked in for the first time.

"Even dates they can't be truthful and coupled with the vague methodology it's hard to accept. So if you want to do it (survey) be transparent," he said.

Fahmi questioned why the survey results were released on a Sunday before the Budget 2023 was to be debated in Dewan Rakyat, which resulted in many Opposition MPs playing the issue up in Parliament.

"If you connect the dots, there maybe be ulterior motives there so let's not kid ourselves. There are people trying to make this government look bad. I will defend this government to the end so don't take us for fools," he added.