'Extinction Beckons' exhibition opens in London

STORY: This exhibition is made with

scavenged materials

Locator: London

It’s by artist Mike Nelson

(Ralph Rugoff, Director, The Hayward Gallery)

“It’s called ‘Extinction Beckons’ and that slightly ominous title gives you a clue that Mike’s vision is at times a dark vision.”

The items were found by Nelson

in junk yards, flea markets and at auctions

“He’s (Nelson) someone who makes works that are almost like film sets. You wander from one location and environment to another, as you open the door you go into another one and you have to invent the script for that film, there’s no narrative. But every time you walk into one of those rooms you feel like the people who were there have just left.”

‘Mike Nelson: Extinction Beckons’

runs until May 7, 2023