Essam Muhammad on marrying Mizz Nina: I am thankful for this amazing woman!

19 Jun - A day after Mizz Nina surprised many by news of her new marriage, it was her husband Essam Muhammad's turn to announce the good news on social media.

Sharing a different photo from one posted by the former singer-turned-activist, Essam wrote, "Alhamdulilah, life has been beautiful to me. Words alone will not do justice to express my gratitude to Allah for blessing me with the most amazing woman. My queen, my heart, my beloved wife."

"If all of the oceans were the ink to our pens, it would go empty before we finished writing about the blessings and mercy Allah has given us. This journey has been truly incredible because Allah always gives us exactly what we need in our lives at the time when it is perfect. Sometimes we think we know what is best for us, but truly the Most Wise will show us wisdom in ways we never expected," he added.

Just like Mizz Nina, Essam also expressed hope that they will be able to share their talents as a service to the Ummah in order to continue the legacy of the religion.

The former Teh Tarik Crew member married the Seattle-based Moroccan rapper 10 months after she and former husband Noh Salleh ended their marriage.

The couple got married in the 2nd quarter of 2023
The couple got married in the 2nd quarter of 2023

(Photo Source: Mizz Nina IG, Essam Muhammad IG)