Erma Fatima says "Perempuan Itu" will still air despite previous controversy

6 Oct - Erma Fatima recently assured that her drama, "Perempuan Itu" will still be aired on television despite the previous controversy surrounding some of its scenes.

The filmmaker, who produces the series, stated that the drama is currently in its editing process and awaiting a broadcasting date.

"Actually, there is no problem with this drama. We can't just judge a whole product based on one viral video. It wouldn't be fair to me," she said.

Regarding the viral lewd clips that had Zul Ariffin in hot waters back in March after he posted it on social media, Erma said that the said scene will not be a part of the finished product.

"We don't even have to send it to the Censorship Board or a TV station to know that it would not pass," she said.

On the other hand, when mentioned about lead actor Zul Ariffin being fined RM30,000 for his involvement in uploading the clips, Erma said that that would be a good lesson for everybody.

"Not just for Zul, but for me, the director and the others. I believe everything happened for a reason. Maybe this is God's way of telling us," she added.

Zul Ariffin was fined RM30,000 for sharing the lewd clips
Zul Ariffin was fined RM30,000 for sharing the lewd clips

(Photo Source: Utusan Malaysia, NST)