Dr Zaliha: Health Ministry working with Met Dept to identify hotspots exceeding 35°C

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

SERDANG, May 17 — Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa said today her ministry is working closely with the Meteorology Department to identify hotspots where potential illnesses linked to the current hot spell may begin to exhibit among the populace.

Dr Zaliha said the nationwide tally of 15 cumulative cases and one death related to the hot weather were found to be those of areas whose recorded daily temperatures hovered above 35°C.

“Our monitoring of the current hot spell is continuous and we at the ministry have engaged with the respective state Health Departments to ensure healthcare facilities such as public hospitals are prepared for any admittance of patients exhibiting heat-related symptoms.

“We are also collaborating with the Meteorology Department to identify hotspots, and from there, we will further heighten our surveillance and preparation for any eventualities,” she told reporters after attending her ministry’s Hari Raya open house at the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS).

Dr Zaliha also reiterated the current hot spell experienced by Malaysia was under control, with reported symptoms by those affected mild.

She said the country’s healthcare facilities were prepared to administer treatment depending on common symptoms exhibited, such as fatigue, dehydration, and numbness from prolonged exposure to extreme heat.

“Again, I wish to urge those who exhibit such symptoms to visit a doctor, and if their situation worsens, it would be best to seek help at the hospital as dehydration can have an adverse effect on one’s organs,” she said.

The 15 cases involved four cases of heatstroke, five cases of heat exhaustion, and six cases of heat cramps

In Malaysia, it is classified as a heatwave when the average daily maximum temperature exceeds 37°C for three consecutive days.

According to the Meteorology Department, maximum daily temperatures between 35°C and 37°C is categorised as Stage 1 with cautionary measures advised.

A daily update on the country’s heatwave can be accessed at the Meteorology Department here.