Dr Mahathir claims Malays doomed if Umno gains more power

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

SEPANG, June 28 — Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said that taxpayers' money will be missing if Umno controls the whole government.

With the Malay-centric party's plans to organise a Malay Congress soon, Dr Mahathir said Umno has always been a party of corruption.

“They want to set up a Malay congress. What were they doing before? Umno’s plan to win voters has always been centred around money politics. From giving away money to setting up more flags and banners.

“If Umno wins in the next general election. The Malays will be doomed if Umno takes over the government. The party has always been corrupt,” he told reporters during a press conference at Sama-Sama hotel here.

Dr Mahathir said there’s an attempt to make “Malaysian Malaysia” again just like Lee Kuan Yew did in 1964.

“The Malays’ rights are half-gone. If every race in Malaysia will have the same rights as the Malays, we are doomed,” he said.

He said if the “Malaysian Malaysia” is in place, the Malay language will no longer have its speakers.

“Just like in Singapore, they used English as a medium in schools. If you ask the Malay Singaporeans, they won’t know how to reply in Malay. That is a threat to Malays in this country,” he said.