Dr Mahathir: Anwar needs experts not loyalists to tackle unemployment and high cost of living

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 2 — Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sent his advice to current Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, telling him not to appoint members of his Cabinet based on how loyal they can be to the government.

Instead, he said the new PM should take in people who are not entwined in politics but equipped with “facts” so they can buckle down to resolve the country’s most pressing challenges immediately without concern about their own party affiliations and needs.

“I hope the new government uses external expertise to tackle the high cost of living and unemployment,” he told The Malaysian Insight in an interview published today.

“When I say experts, it must be those who are not loyal to the government but who deal with facts and how to resolve issues,” Dr Mahathir added.

Anwar has yet to name his Cabinet after forming the current government with Barisan Nasional (BN).

His coalition Pakatan Harapan (PH) was unable to muster a majority support at the conclusion of the 15th General Elections. Perikatan Nasional (PN) is acting as the Opposition.

But Dr Mahathir said it would be difficult for such a government to last as there would be plenty of requests from each ruling party.

“Normally, such a government will not last long. We don’t know, we have to see. Each one will be pulling in their own direction. They will want this and that. These are the parties that supported him.

“So, Anwar has to dole out. But, sometimes he can’t,” the 97-year-old was quoted as saying.

National news agency Bernama reported Anwar arriving at Istana Negara at 8.22am today for an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Speculation has been rife that the 10th PM will be presenting a list of names to his Cabinet, or at least a partial line-up to get the government into gear as Malaysia buckles under economic pressures that weigh on high living costs.

Anwar has a packed schedule today, which will see him heading to Perak to meet voters in his constituency in Tambun, and another royal audience, this time with state monarch Sultan Nazrin Shah.

But citing unnamed sources, local daily The Star reported that Anwar could announce his Cabinet later this afternoon after his Perak visit and that the new ministers could be sworn in tomorrow.