Don Jr says he’s not wild about New Year’s Eve at Mar-a-Lago

Donald Trump Jr dumps on New Year’s Eve  (Triggered with Donald Trump Jr)
Donald Trump Jr dumps on New Year’s Eve (Triggered with Donald Trump Jr)

Donald Trump Jr said on his podcast that he is not a fan of spending New Year’s Eve at his father’s Mar-a-Lago club.

The son of the once and soon-to-be president said on his Rumble show Triggered that his birthday is New Year’s Eve and he’s not necessarily a fan of the holiday.

“When I was a kid, New Year's Eve was a lot better, because it was like, there's always something to do, there's always a party,” he said. “But now it's sort of like amateur night, and I realized that.”

The eldest son of President-Elect Donald Trump said that he typically does not like being around people who give him unsolicited political advice for his father.


“I get to be around, you know, 1,000 drunk people giving me their political opinions that I don't necessarily want to hear,” he said. “While I love Mar a Lago, It's sort of like, by about midnight, when everyone's like, 12 beers deep, or whatever it is they're drinking, the close talking opinions, it's not for me.”

The younger Trump has become one of the president-elect’s most trusted advisers and has served as a liaison to the most devout right-wing voices.

He vocally lobbied for his father to pick JD Vance, a critic-turned-conservative favorite, as his running mate, which the president-elect ultimately did. He also had his daughter Kai Alexander Trump speak at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee this year.

Trump spoke about Mar-a-Lago with conservative journalist Peter Schweizer.

“You wouldn't know it, but I'm basically a recluse,” he said. “I'm okay with a mic ... when I have a big crowd, but I don't like being around a lot of people if I can avoid it. I like fishing, hunting and, like, two people.”


Trump said that he has heard people giving suggestions for about nine years, ever since his father announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president in 2015.

“This will be like, year, like, nine of: ‘Hey, you know, have you ever thought that maybe have your dad not tweet that?’” he said. “I'm like, no, I've never thought that because I'm a freaking imbecile.”

The president-elect will take office in 19 days. Junior recently broke off his engagement with former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, whom his father tapped to be the US ambassador to Greece. He has recently been seen with Bettina Anderson.