Disney Plus cancellations and WWDC 2023 invites – The TechRadar Tech Quiz

 Rainbow colors in an ring on a black screen
Rainbow colors in an ring on a black screen

Welcome to the TechRadar Tech Quiz for May 28, 2023. Here you'll find five questions that relate to tech news and topics that we covered on the site last week. There's no prize for getting all five right, just the pride of knowing that you're a tech expert.

In this week's quiz, we're testing your knowledge about Apple's WWDC event, the new DJI Mavic 3 Pro drone, and the shows removed from Disney Plus as well as two other stories. You'll have to play the quiz to find out what they are.

Let us know on Facebook and Twitter how well you did, and let us know what questions you'd like to see in the future. You can also share this quiz with your friends, and see which of you does the best.

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Good luck with the quiz!

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