Dina Nadzir isn't surprised she didn't make it to Gegar Vaganza finale

22 Nov – Dina Nadzir was not surprised that she didn't get through to the finale of the ninth season of "Gegar Vaganza", after she and fellow contestant Fuad Rahman were eliminated from the competition.

The singer, who has been struggling with her vocal performance after she had COVID-19 in the second week of the show, stated that she actually predicted that she'd be booted off in week five or six.

"I had calmly accepted my fate since then. Personally, I can already measure the credibility of my own performance," she said. "I didn't expect to reach the final. I am self-aware and realistic as it is."

Dina stated that she should have been on a month leave instead after her COVID-19 test to protect her vocals, seeing that she also had to work as a radio presenter aside from competing on GV.

"I was facing the risk of my voice becoming hoarse permanently, and that would ruin my chance of singing ever again," she said. "But I continued competing. I think other people would have withdrawn from the competition."

Both Dina and Fuad Rahman failed to make it to the finale
Both Dina and Fuad Rahman failed to make it to the finale

(Photo Source: mStar, Utusan Malaysia)