Diana Danielle denies pregnancy speculations

22 Mar – Diana Danielle recently dismissed the notion that she might be pregnant with her third child, after gaining a little bit of weight since reconciling with husband, Farid Kamil.

The actress, who did a live TikTok with her fans, stated that she is not pregnant and has no interest to have more children now that both her son Muhammad and daughter Aurora are in school.

"I know this is selfish of me to say, but God willing I really don't want to have more children. It's not that I don't appreciate having children, but at my age now, I don't want to be a mother [of a baby]," she said.

The actress is happy being mum to two children
The actress is happy being mum to two children

Diana stated that she had been working since she was a teenager and got married and have kids in her early 20s. Now that her career is stable and her kids are in school, she is happy with her current status.

"I am still a mum, but my kids are in school now. I can do my own thing and see them after school. Why would I want to return to changing diapers and breastfeeding a baby? To lack sleep and all that? I think that's my personal choice. I support anybody who wants to have more children, but that's not for me," she said.

As to why she gained weight, Diana said that she has a housemaid who is also a good cook.

"Every time I come home, there is always a delicious meal. I didn't notice that I gained weight even though I can't fit into all of my clothes and pants anymore and I look like a bloody papaya," she said.

Diana and Farid reconciled not long after they got a divorce
Diana and Farid reconciled not long after they got a divorce

(Photo Source: Diana Danielle IG)