Diana Danielle apologises for violating waiting period



28 Aug – Diana Danielle recently expressed her apology if her decision to get involved in various activities following her divorce is against the rules of iddah.

The actress, whose marriage with actor Farid Kamil ended earlier this month, stated that being divorced is new to her, and that she might have had several missteps in trying to go through with her newly single life.

"I didn't realise that sometimes those kinds of things are sensitive to others. I will accept the criticism and work on it," she added.

It is noted that Diana received backlash from netizens earlier after she posted several photos of her going out and supposedly socialising despite being on her iddah. She also sparked rumour upon posting a photo of herself holding someone's hand on social media.

She had since clarified that the hand belongs to her female friend Yien.

As for new romance, Diana stated that she would rather not talk about that kind of thing.

"If I answer that kind of question, then there will be other questions like it later on," she said. "I am not too focused on [finding new love]."

Diana tied the knot with Farid Kamil in 2012. The former couple have two children together.


Diana now has custody of her two kids
Diana now has custody of her two kids


(Photo Source: Diana Danielle IG)