In Dewan Rakyat, PAS’ Pengkalan Chepa MP calls DAP ‘kafir’ after shouting match with Ipoh Timur MP

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 17 — PAS’ Pengkalan Chepa MP Datuk Ahmad Marzuk Shaary today labelled DAP as “kafir” after a shouting match erupted between him and Ipoh Timur MP Howard Lee Chuan How over the latter’s alleged Quranic misinterpretation.

Ahmad Marzuk was answering Lee’s inquiries after the DAP man raised Standing Order 36(6), which states that “no member of the House shall impute improper motives to any other member”.

“Yang Berhormat, he (Lee) needs to learn from Ayer Hitam (Wee Ka Siong). Ayer Hitam said he is a ‘kafir zimmi’ and not ‘kafir harbi’. We agree.

“We do not agree if people call DAP ‘kafir harbi’ when they are actually ‘kafir’,” he said before Deputy Speaker Datuk Ramli Mohd Nor in the Dewan Rakyat.

Kafir zimmi” refers to non-Muslims who should receive protection in a Muslim-ruled state; while “kafir harbi” are non-Muslims who are regarded as enemies of Islam.

Ahmad Marzuk touched on Lee’s alleged Quranic verses misinterpretation during the debate on the Supply Bill 2024.

That prompted Lee to raise the Standing Order to defend himself.

Earlier this month, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar met Lee over the issue of the latter’s alleged Quranic misinterpretation.

He said he advised Lee to err on the side of caution when citing Quranic verses.