Deputy Premier says meeting with Sarawak disaster committee over haze situation soon

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

BETONG, April 16 — The Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas last night said that he will call for the committee’s meeting soon in view of the current hot and dry weather that has brought in hazy conditions in the state.

He said the meeting will discuss on ways to prevent the hazy condition from deteriorating.

“The wet season is over for us now and since last week we had been experiencing hot and dry weather,” he said this after attending a breaking of the fast at the Mesjid Darul Syifa here.

“So we want to alert all divisional disaster management committees to keep a close watch on all hotspots and potential ones in their respective divisions,” Uggah, who is also the Deputy Premier, stressed.

“They must always be on their toes... make the necessary preparations like in dealing with fire outbreaks and other related problems,” he added.

He hoped the people and those in the plantation industry would not do any open burning.

“Always extinguish any fire that you have started in your garden, farm, or before you leave.

“The longer the dry season, the wood and vegetation debris in all these places will be highly combustible,” he said adding that peat soil wildfires can last for weeks if it is not stopped.

On Covid-19, Uggah said with the increasing Covid-19 cases now in Peninsular Malaysian states and in some countries, people should take the necessary steps to avoid being infected.

“For us in Sarawak... so far so good, but this should not lull us into complacency... to let down our guard,” he said.

He advised the people to continue wearing face masks in crowded places and to continue practising social distancing when they gather together in big groups.

“If we should develop any fever, let us not assume it is just the normal flu.

“We must see the doctor to ascertain if we have been infected,” he advised.