DAP vice-chairman says ‘no issue’ to criticism of party logo on mock cheques for Perak schools

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 24 — Local Government and Development Minister Nga Kor Ming has waved off critics questioning why the DAP’s “rocket” logo was printed on mock cheques presented to several schools in Ipoh, Perak.

He told reporters that there was “no issue” in having the DAP logo on the mock cheques as what mattered was the benefits went to where it was intended, news portal Malaysiakini reported last night.

“No, no issue. What’s most important is that the schools get the benefit,” Nga, who is also DAP vice-chairman, was quoted as saying.

The Teluk Intan MP came under fire, including from its new Barisan Nasional allies, after pictures from the mock cheque presentation ceremony last Saturday for a RM1.8 million government funding to 17 Chinese primary and secondary schools featuring the “rocket” logo was posted online.

Apart from the “rocket”, the logos of the Pakatan Harapan coalition and Malaysia Madani were also printed alongside the national coat of arms on the mock cheques.

MCA deputy president Mah Hang Soon questioned the need for including the political logos and claimed it was an “abuse of power” and blurred the lines between political parties and the government.

Mah demanded an apology and asked for action to be taken against ministers and MPs suspected of abusing their powers, saying that the government’s image and credibility were at stake.

Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Salleh demanded Nga explain his reason for putting the DAP logo on the mock cheques if the funds for the schools came from the government.

PAS information chief Zurk Ahmad blasted Nga and the DAP, accusing the ruling party of having “no morals and no integrity” in using the event to gain political “mileage”.