DAP sec-gen downplays rumours party will field Malay candidate in Kuala Kubu Baru by-election

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, April 18 — DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke has soft-pedalled rumours that the party plans to field a Malay candidate in next month’s Kuala Kubu Baru by-election.

Loke said that the party had yet to decide on the candidate, Free Malaysia Today (FMT) reported this morning.

“We have a list of shortlisted candidates, but for now, anyone can be considered,” he was quoted as saying.

The same FMT report claimed that Hulu Selangor municipal councillor Saripah Bakar had emerged as the front-runner to represent Pakatan Harapan on May 11.

Quoting a source, it stated that Saripah was more popular among the grassroots than the other possible candidates for the seat.

Kuala Kubu Baru is a mixed seat, with Malays comprising 50 per cent of the electorate, followed by Chinese (30 per cent) and Indians (18 per cent).

The state seat has been represented by an ethnic Chinese assemblyman since 2004.

It fell vacant following the death of incumbent Lee Kee Hiong on March 21.

The 58-year-old had been the Kuala Kubu Baru assemblyman under the Hulu Selangor parliamentary constituency since 2013.

On April 4, the Election Commission (EC) set April 27 as nomination day, with early voting taking place on May 7 ahead of polling day on May 11.