Danny Bonaduce to Undergo Brain Surgery, Hopes to Be Able to Walk Again

Danny Bonaduce, who costarred on the ’70s hit “Partridge Family,” told TMZ on Friday that he will undergo brain surgery on Monday that he hopes will restore his ability to walk.

In April 2022, Bonaduce took a leave of absence from The Danny Bonaduce & Sarah Morning Show on iHeart Radio to seek treatment for what was then a mysterious illness that had him using a cane to walk. He has since seen “100 doctors,” and been diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a neurological disorder caused by an abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid, which puts harmful pressure on the brain’s tissues.

“I thought, ‘Well, this is a big deal. I’m falling down now. That can’t be good,'” he told the outlet of finally getting the diagnosis.

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As he told TMZ in a video interview, doctors will put a stent and drainage port in his brain, to relieve that pressure. “From what I hear, if the diagnosis is correct, it’ll be 50 percent better right [away]. But I’d rather be safe than sorry. I don’t wanna get my hopes up too much that I’ll be cured … I will be completely bummed out if this doesn’t work. I can’t walk currently, I just can’t, “he said.

He added that he’s being realistic about his expectations: “I’m never gonna run track. I’m never gonna box again. But if I can get from here to the kitchen on my own, bravo,” he added.

Bonaduce doesn’t know exactly how he got hydrocephalus, which can be genetic or occur as a result of brain tumors, head injuries, hemorrhage or diseases such as meningitis, but he chalks it up to one of the “many stupid things [I’ve done] on reality TV shows.”

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“I took a guitar to the head. That hurt, and was possibly the cause of all this. I got punched in the face by José Canseco, a 265 lb professional athlete. And by the way, I didn’t hit the floor,” he bragged with a smile.

He also thanked iHeart for keeping him on despite his many absences, and for setting up a studio in his living room.

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Danny Bonaduce Takes Medical Leave From Radio Show as ‘The Partridge Family’ Star Seeks Diagnosis