12 of the Cutest Kid-Friendly Cat Breeds You'll Want to Adopt Today

kid friendly cat breeds
Kid-Friendly Cat Breeds the Family Will Love Heidi Zeiger Photography - Getty Images

Adding a cat to your family has many benefits. Not only will you enjoy companionship and unconditional love from your furry friend, but having a pet can teach kids valuable life lessons like compassion, respect, patience, trust, and responsibility that they can carry with them, especially when yours is one of the most kid-friendly cat breeds.

LeeAnna Buis, a certified feline training and behavior specialist with Feline Behavior Solutions, says before bringing a kitty home, teach your kids about feline behavior.

“Helping your kids understand some basics about feline behavior is key,” says Buis. For example, cats use body language to communicate. A cat who's a little nervous may try to look smaller, turn their ears a bit, drop their tail or swish it agitatedly. If you notice this behavior give the cat a few minutes to adjust, then gently check back in. "This can easily happen with kids," adds Buis, "only because they tend to be louder and more active. That can be unsettling at first for many kitties if they aren't used to it.”

Once trust has been established, the real fun can begin. Allow your kids to get involved in taking care of their new pet. “Play sessions, tossing treats, hiding treats around the room for your cat to find, and even making homemade food puzzles are great kid/cat activities,” says Buis. “They can also help by refilling water bowls, helping with meals and other cooperative care needs.”


After consulting The Cat Fanciers’ Association and The International Cat Association, here is our list of the most kid-friendly cat breeds.


If you’re looking for a high-energy cat breed that will keep up with your kids and stay kitten-like throughout much of their life, consider an Abyssinian. Thought to be one of the oldest cat breeds – images resembling Abys are found in ancient Egyptian tombs – they love to play and want to be involved with the family.

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American Shorthair

This beautiful breed is known for having an easygoing and friendly persona. Cats get a bad rep for being less than affectionate, but this furry companion appreciates a little TLC. They are also ok with being left alone to chill by the window for hours.

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The playful Balinese is a perfect addition to any family – this loving breed creates strong bonds with every member of the family, including kids, dogs and other cats. They’re “helpful” in that they will follow you around the house, and very playful, always up for a game of fetch or going for a walk on a leash. Balinese are snugglers, too, happy to curl up on your lap or under the covers in bed.


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Look into the eyes of a Birman and you just know that this cat breed is sweet, but it may surprise you that it’s affectionate, too. A social and people-oriented breed, Birman responds well to training and, like the American Shorthair, does well with small children and other animals. They do like to be around their family, so if you spend a lot of time away from home, you may want to have a companion for your Birman.

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The loyal and loving Chartreux is also full of play, perfect if your kids are high-energy and can spend time keeping kitty entertained. That said, they’re a polite and undemanding breed that likes to stay close to their family and can be like a shadow. This loyal, affectionate, dog-like cat even can be trained to walk on a leash, fetch toys and respond to her name.

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Devon Rex

Weighing in between five and 9 pounds, the Devon Rex are known as “the pixies of cats.” Though they’re smaller in size, Devons are big in personality, intelligent, active, and a bit mischievous – they thrive in a busy household and like to be part of the action. They’re great with children and welcome attention from friends who are visiting, too.

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Maine Coon

Don’t let their large size fool you – Maine Coons get along well with kids and other animals and are social, intelligent, and loyal. Rather than picking a favorite, Maine Coons like to share their love, interacting with each family member. Watch out at bath time – these cats like the water and may try to join you.

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If you’re looking for a snuggle buddy, look no further than the Manx. This gentle, quiet cat is happiest curled up, but don’t be surprised by its energetic spurts, turning playful at a moment’s notice. Patience and tolerance are other attributes of the Manx, making them a great fit with kids of all ages.

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Easy-going, calm, even-tempered, and devoted are all kid-friendly traits that can make the Persian a terrific addition to any family. Though they may chase the occasional toy, these cats are happiest receiving attention from and being affectionate with their people. Persians do need quite a bit of grooming, but that shouldn’t be a problem – they’re considered one of the easiest cat breeds to train.

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The people-loving and affectionate RagaMuffin is eager to please and will even learn how to walk on a leash to make their people happy. In fact, The Cat Fanciers’ Association says they’re so agreeable that “they make wonderful pets for families with small children.” RagaMuffins are big snugglers, too, and enjoy being “lap cats."


RELATED: The Many Mental Health Benefits of Cats

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Gentle, calm and sociable – these are three traits given to the Ragdoll, one of the world’s most popular cat breeds. Ragdolls want to be a part of the family, and will likely greet you when you come home and stay by your side. This breed is not aggressive nor temperamental, making them terrific pets for families with curious kids.

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Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold isn’t only sweet-looking, she is sweet and affectionate, too, enjoying cuddling and loving on her people. This cat’s friendly, even temperament means they’re usually patient with kids and can be trained to perform basic tricks and even play fetch.

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