Coun. Matthew Luloff charged with impaired driving

Orléans East-Cumberland Coun. Matthew Luloff at a city meeting in April 2022. His lawyer said Monday he had been charged with impaired driving. (Francis Ferland/CBC - image credit)
Orléans East-Cumberland Coun. Matthew Luloff at a city meeting in April 2022. His lawyer said Monday he had been charged with impaired driving. (Francis Ferland/CBC - image credit)

Ottawa city councillor Matthew Luloff has been charged with impaired driving, according to his lawyer Lawrence Greenspon.

Court documents show Luloff was arrested on July 6, 2024 and faces two charges related to impaired driving: one for seeming impaired and one for having an illegally high blood alcohol level after a test.

The location in those records was listed as the east region, which generally means it happened east of the Rideau River.

"There was no accident involved," Greenspon said on Monday. "We will be defending him on the charge."

Ottawa police said they wouldn't share details because they don't name people facing this charge unless it involves a life-threatening injury or death.


Luloff himself did not comment and directed all questions to his lawyer.

He was first elected to the east Ottawa ward of Orléans in 2018. The ward boundaries were redrawn in 2020 and Luloff was re-elected to the renamed (and slightly expanded) Orléans East-Cumberland ward in 2022.

He was also nominated as the Conservative candidate for Orléans in the next federal election, but resigned four days after his arrest.

Matthew Luloff, Ottawa City Councillor and Conservative candidate in Orléans, sits with Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, at a D-Day commemoration event on June 6, 2024.
Matthew Luloff, Ottawa City Councillor and Conservative candidate in Orléans, sits with Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, at a D-Day commemoration event on June 6, 2024.

Luloff, right, with Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre at a D-Day commemoration event on June 6, 2024. (Pierre Poilievre/X)

According to Sarah Fischer, Conservative Party of Canada director of communications, Luloff resigned his candidacy on July 10 "due to a personal matter." She did not confirm whether it was related to the impaired driving charge.

Luloff also serves as the chair of the Ottawa Public Library Board. Before his political career, he was a member of the Canadian Armed Forces.

His court date is Aug. 8.