Comms Minister Fahmi: Malaysia’s 5G coverage now at 62pc

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, June 7 — Malaysia’s 5G network coverage is now at 62 per cent of the country’s overall populated area.

Multimedia and Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil revealed the figure today to investors and telecommunication players here, as he pledged again to oversee the country’s success in rolling-out the hyper-speed mobile internet to at least four-fifth coverage by year-end.

“In March 31 the coverage was 57 per cent, I am happy to announce that as of May 31, the 5G network coverage is now at 62 per cent,” he said at Invest Malaysia, a forum organised by Bursa Malaysia.

Politicians from both ends have touted 5G technology as a “game-changer” that can elevate socio-economic standards but policymakers and private mobile network operators were at odds about Putrajaya's decision to adopt a single wholesale network system for 5G disbursement, which threatened to upend the government's ambition.

Most MNOs rejected the proposal, claiming it could lead to a monopoly, which could then affect service quality.

Supporters of the single wholesale network (SWN), however, said private operators oppose the idea only because they want to maintain total control over access to the network and ultimately, pricing power.

Under the SWN system, state firm Digital Nasional Berhad would have been the sole licensee to sell 5G network to MNOs wholesale. Private operators were initially hesitant but eventually a few caved in after DNB formulated a shareholding agreement that would have given participating operators stakes in the state company.

But once the new government took over the SWN was put under review, and Fahmi eventually announced the setting up of a second 5G network provider.

The move prompted MNOs that had initially signed with DNB — CelcomDigi and Telekom Malaysia — to terminate their share subscription agreements, fueling rumours of more tension between the private operators and Putrajaya.

But Fahmi suggested today that the matter is expected to be resolved soon.

"I am very glad to see this willingness by arch-competitors to sit together for the interest of the people," he told the audience at the forum.

Datuk Johan Mahmood Merican and Datuk Mohamad Faudi Md Isa, the chairman of the 5G Task Force established under Fahmi's watch "to ensure a smooth transition to a Dual 5G Network model" said yesterday that it will focus on "resolving issues related to DNB’s 5G access agreement and equity deals."

In a statement, the two said both issues will be discussed in detail, with a solution expected as early as the end of this month.