Climate Demonstrators Dragged Away by Edinburgh Police After Paint Protest

Two climate demonstrators were arrested in Edinburgh, Scotland, on Thursday, April 27, after throwing red paint at the Scottish Parliament, Scotland Police confirmed.

The two women were part of an organization called This is Rigged, which opposes oil and gas projects in Scotland.

This footage by This is Rigged shows the women being dragged away by police officers as one continued to yell the group’s demands. The paint-stained wall of the Parliament building is visible in the background.

The incident happened shortly before First Minister’s Questions, a weekly event where the Scottish leader answers questions from opposing parties’ lawmakers. This is Rigged had disrupted the event before, The Scotsman reported. Credit: This is Rigged via Storyful

Video transcript

- We are here.


- There is no such thing as being neutral.


- The Scottish government has--

- We will continue to disrupt because we have no choice! The government is not listening! They need to speak out in Westminster against [INAUDIBLE]. The disruption will not stop. It will only escalate. We have been given no choice.

- Our Scottish government had the opportunity to step up for life, but instead, they're sure sticking up for oil lobbyists.

- Can you stand up?

- In the last four years, the Scottish government has met over 200 times with oil and gas lobbyists. They have picked a side, and it is not us! We are in a position where we are fighting for our survival.