Climate activist glues hand to podium

STORY: The act by a man in a T-shirt reading "Agir Ensemble," or "Let's Act Together," interrupted an interview between the TV presenter and a candidate for Geneva's seven-member governing council.

"No sir, you won’t glue yourself to the desk, seriously? It’s a shame sir, you are taking hostage of a democratic TV show," said Leman Bleu TV Chief Editor Jeremy Seydoux, wagging his finger at the activist angrily.

"The people have voted today and you come here to glue your hand to the desk, it's a shame. I refuse to co-host this show with you," he said.

A worker for Leman Bleu is then seen attempting to remove him from the podium, before noticing the glue. He then returns with rubbing alcohol and cantonal police helped carry the protester away.