Take it on the chin, Perak BN chairman tells candidates not chosen to contest GE15

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

IPOH, Nov 2 — Perak Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad said that those not chosen to contest the 15th general election (GE15) should accept it without complaint.

The caretaker Perak mentri besar said that seat allocations are determined by the party.

“When the time comes, the seat must be returned. It is the same for everyone.

“Even me. When I am required to vacate my seat, I do so as well,” he told a press conference after unveiling Perak BN’s candidates for GE15 at Hotel Casuarina Meru here.

Saarani also said that the number of terms served by a people’s representative had no bearing on the selection process.

“It doesn’t matter if a representative serves one term or two. If the party wants a new face, then we will have to field a new face,” he said.

When asked why several incumbents for both parliamentary and state seats were dropped in Perak, Saarani replied that it was due to several factors.

“I would not use the term dropped. Some of them are continuing for several reasons.

“For example, in Pasir Salak, it was the party’s decision not to field Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman. In Padang Renggas, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz does not want to stand for re-election, and for Kuala Kangsar, Datin Mastura Mohd Yazid was not nominated,” he said.

On Umno Youth chief Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki’s status as a ‘parachute candidate’, Saarani said that the matter was decided at the last minute.

“Yes, initially, there were no outside candidates. That’s why I said there will be no outsiders in Perak.

“But as usual, things like this happen in the party at the last minute. This is not something new or out of ordinary,” he said.

Malaysia goes to the polls on November 19.