How the case of the missing Huszti sisters in Aberdeen is just as mysterious a week after they disappeared

One week on the outcome looks increasingly grim as the frantic search for two sisters who vanished in to thin air fails to yield any results. 

Detectives and the entire city of Aberdeen are completely baffled by the disappearance of Eliza and Henrietta Huszti who were captured on grainy CCTV having a 2am walk in the heart of the city on Tuesday 7 January.

They were wearing jackets and scarves in sub-zero conditions.

The pair, originally from Hungary, crossed a bridge and took a sharp turn down a dark path that trails along the River Dee.

It is overgrown with bushes and would have been caked in ice, making walking in the pitch black treacherous.


It makes this disappearance all the more baffling.

Detectives told Sky News there are "no suspects" as this is firmly a missing persons probe rather than a criminal inquiry.

A senior officer revealed the pair had recently told their landlord they were quitting their rental tenancy. It was she who raised the alarm when her clients were nowhere to be seen.

One associate of the sisters told Sky News they were not ones for making "impulsive decisions".

He described them as hard-working who keep themselves to themselves. Nor do they apparently consume drink or drugs.

Inside the block of flats where the Husztis lived, neighbours were reluctant to shed any light on this strange story. One told me the police had alerted residents to the case but declined to expand further.

The flat where it is thought the pair resided has a notice on the door from Police Scotland saying officers have "tried to reach you".


It seems a contradiction given the lead detective has said the "strongest" working theory is that Eliza and Henrietta entered the freezing waters on the edge of the North Sea.

There has been no activity on their bank accounts since they vanished and interviews with their work colleagues and friends have resulted in nothing.

Read more:
'Worried' family of missing sisters just 'want them to be found'
Police divers search river for missing sisters

No one can determine why on Earth the Huszti sisters were even out at that time of the morning in the first place.

Officers say they had not been in the pub and the route they picked along the river was leading to nothing.

We are told the CCTV cameras in the area have the ability to pick up audio. Specialists have been drafted in to interrogate any possible clues.

There is no questioning the intensity of the relentless land, air and water searches but as the days go by the police seem no closer to cracking this mysterious case.