Cambridgeshire town split over 'wonky' Christmas tree - as official compares it to Leaning Tower of Pisa

Residents in the Cambridgeshire town of March have criticised its new Christmas tree, calling it "wonky".

One person said it appeared to have been "plonked down without much care" and the "branches at the bottom need sorting out", adding it was "such a shame".

Another social media user called it "embarrassing", while a third said it was "ridiculous".

The tree, which is reportedly around 30ft (9m) tall, has a distinctive lean at the top and is installed on Market Place in the town.

Volunteers who put up the evergreen said it was like that when they received it.

Replying to criticism on social media, the March Christmas lights committee, which is responsible for erecting and decorating the attraction, said on Facebook it "did not physically choose the tree… we ordered the tree in January/February".

The committee added: "However it's down to the supplier/luck as to what overall size/condition of tree we receive in the end."

"I've spoken to a member of the team who erected the tree and have been advised that the tree is as straight as it's going to be, [the] only other option would be to replace the tree (which we cannot afford to do)."

The Christmas lights on the tree are due to be turned on on Friday night and "we don't have the time to replace the tree either", the explanation continued.

The committee went on to say that "lower branches have also been trimmed, as requested and the tree is structurally sound".

Read more:
The cost of lighting up a Christmas tree
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Meanwhile, the town clerk at March Town Council called it a "beautiful" tree and compared it to Italy's famous Leaning Tower of Pisa as she criticised the attempt to "kill the spirit of Christmas".

Sarah Lemmon was quoted by Cambridgeshire Live as saying last week: "It is very disappointing that each year sees a small (but very vocal) minority surface, which seems hell-bent on spreading negativity, finding fault, levelling criticism, and generally trying to kill the spirit of Christmas."

She added: "Yes, it is a little bit wonky. But it is a beautiful tree that will be decorated this weekend and, let's face it, Pisa's famous leaning tower is celebrated and adored the world over.

"Why not enjoy our ever-so-slightly-leaning tree and express some gratitude and festive cheer?"

Another person on social media expressed support for the tree, writing: "I have no issue with the tree - I think it's fantastic that we have one! I hope those that think the job could be done better will volunteer next year."