California just legalized affordable housing in church parking lots and coastal cities — and it could help solve the state's crisis

California just legalized affordable housing in church parking lots and coastal cities — and it could help solve the state's crisis
  • Gov. Gavin Newsom of California signed over 50 bills this month designed to combat the housing crisis.

  • Pro-housing advocates are celebrating this legislative session's wins.

  • The laws legalize lots of affordable-housing construction and lift some burdensome regulations.

California is suffering from one of the country's most severe housing crises, fueled by a chronic shortage of places to live. The Golden State is now home to a third of the country's unhoused population as lower- and middle-income residents struggle to afford homes all over the state.

After repeatedly promising to tackle the crisis, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California signed more than 50 housing bills this month. Pro-housing advocates say the patchwork of fixes is something of a mixed bag, but overall, it's a strong move toward lifting burdensome regulations that make building unnecessarily costly or impossible.

"The wind is in our sails right now," Ned Resnikoff, the policy director at the pro-housing group California YIMBY, or "Yes In My Backyard," told Insider. "There's really a lot of momentum behind efforts to solve the housing crisis in California."

Here are some of the highlights from the historic slew of housing laws.

Speeding up housing construction

One major success of this legislative session is a few laws designed to loosen restrictions imposed by California's Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, a broad set of regulations intended to protect environmental concerns but in recent years more notorious for slowing down or killing all kinds of housing development.

"Almost anything under the sun can be considered an environmental impact" under CEQA, Chris Elmendorf, a professor at UC Davis School of Law, told Insider. And the unpredictability of CEQA's application adds significant costs to development.

In one particularly notorious example, local opponents of a proposed student-dorm building on the UC Berkeley campus drew the school into a prolonged legal battle over the construction, claiming the student residents would violate CEQA by creating noise pollution. A state appellate court sided with the building's critics, but the governor signed a bill, which unanimously passed the legislature, specifically asserting that resident noise didn't violate environmental regulations.

One law the governor signed — Senate Bill 423 — extends and broadens a successful 2017 law that has fast-tracked the construction of thousands of mostly affordable homes by requiring local governments to approve multi-unit infill housing in existing residential neighborhoods. The new law — authored by one of California's most outspoken pro-housing lawmakers, State Sen. Scott Wiener — singles out San Francisco, which has struggled to meet its state-mandated housing construction requirements in part because of its lengthy approval process. The bill requires the city to undergo annual reviews and fast-track the construction of both market-rate and affordable housing.

Another law — Assembly Bill 1633 — is set to make it harder for cities to abuse CEQA to slow down or derail multi-unit infill housing construction if it complies with local requirements.

"For the first time, the legislature is really saying, we really just want this environmental review to be about the environment and not about stopping projects," said Elmendorf, who helped lawmakers craft AB 1633. He said the law affirmed "the principle that if the project is compliant with the applicable rules, and on an infill location and reasonably dense, then the city can't use environmental review as a pretext to effectively deny projects they're not allowed to deny officially."

San Francisco Mayor London Breed said the law was "a game changer" for her city, which has long been the poster child of housing crises.

"It's going to be an exciting time for housing development in San Francisco," Breed said during a panel at the Bloomberg CityLab conference in Washington on October 19. "CEQA can't be abused like it has in the past because of changes to our state laws."

Another law that's gotten a lot of attention — SB 4 — is set to make it easier for nonprofit colleges and universities and faith-based organizations to build affordable housing on land they already own. The bill, also known as "Yes in God's Backyard," would allow organizations to bypass certain environmental regulations and permitting rules to build homes in church parking lots and other underutilized or surplus land. UC Berkeley's Terner Center for Housing Innovation found there were more than 170,000 acres of land that could be put to use under SB 4.

Resnikoff said religious organizations were especially well-positioned to provide housing for low-income and even unhoused community members. "We have this whole network of mission-driven organizations across the entire state, many of which would be quite eager and willing to minister to the most housing-burdened in their areas, and this is a way to provide that opportunity," he said.

Ten new homes in Long Beach, California at the intersection of Pine Avenue and 14th Street.
Ten homes in Long Beach constructed by Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles.Brittany Murray/Getty Images

Some disappointments

While Elmendorf said he thought the overall progress made on housing policy this legislative session was positive, he lamented the failure of a pair of bills that would've allowed more density in single-family neighborhoods by legalizing lot subdivisions. The bills died in the legislature, which Elmendorf said spoke to lawmakers' continued reticence to stand up to homeowners.

Many housing advocates are also disappointed that Newsom vetoed a bill — AB 309 — to create "social housing"  on government-owned land. The proposal, authored by the South Bay Assembly member Alex Lee, would have piloted mixed-income housing developments on public land. Rather than restricting the homes to only very low-income residents, as most public housing does, residents from all socioeconomic backgrounds would spend no more than 30% of their income on rent.

"Just like how roads, and libraries, and schools — no matter how rich or poor you are, you still are entitled to go check out a book or go to send your kids to public school. That's the same thing with housing," Lee told Insider.

Lee said he explicitly modeled the proposal off of social-housing programs in Vienna and Singapore that have long been celebrated by housing advocates in the US and around the world. "If a modest Central European power and a modest trading commercial power in Southeast Asia can come successfully with a huge track record of social housing, why can't the most prosperous state and the most prosperous nation in the history of mankind be able to do that too?" he said.

The bill passed the legislature, but Newsom vetoed it, arguing in a lengthy note that the state didn't have the budget capacity for the project. Resnikoff, whose organization endorsed the effort, said the state's fiscal conditions made it very hard to pass housing policy that requires funding.

Advocates are quick to point out that California's housing policy has impacts far beyond its borders. The state's housing policies have already inspired copycat efforts across the country. Resnikoff said he saw lots of similarities between New York City Mayor Eric Adams' newly proposed housing reforms, which include legalizing building small secondary housing units on one's property and boosting density in commercial corridors. How effectively California deals with its housing-affordability issues also directly impacts other states' housing markets. The migration of California residents to places including Texas and Oregon has put additional pressure on those states to provide even more housing.

Read the original article on Business Insider