Brussels, my love? A mammoth pre-election special

Brussels, my love? A mammoth pre-election special

This week, the show featured a mammoth double panel: Peter Liese from the European People's Party, the Socialists' Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield from the Greens, Michiel Hoogeveen of the European Conservatives and Reformists, Marc Botenga from the Left group and Abir Al-Sahlani of Renew Europe.

In a special pre-election edition, we filmed live from the Albert Hall in Brussels in front of a crowd of 500 of the Brussels great and good.

From the single market to climate change, social rights and the rule of law, panelists pitched their ideas on what Europe should be doing more, and what it should be doing less.

They also discussed how to plug the gap between what Brussels does and the reality of people's daily lives across the continent.

"We need to engage in another way than we've been doing," said Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield. "We need to involve citizens and civil society much more."

Juan Fernando López Aguilar said how to communicate policy had been the "existential challenge of the European Union throughout its history."

"There is Euronews, but that is not enough," he added.

Those discussions came as Euronews released the results of an exclusive pan-European poll showing how elections due in June could transform the European Parliament.

Watch "Brussels, my love?" in the player above.