Britain's salad crisis could last another month

STORY: Britain could face a salad shortage for another month.

That was the warning from the government Thursday (February 23).

Staple salad ingredients like tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers could all be hard to find for British shoppers.

It comes after a number of supermarkets warned they would impose buying limits on salad items.

That after supplies were hit by disrupted harvests in southern Europe and north Africa due to unseasonal weather.

The crisis has been made worse by lower winter production in greenhouses in Britain and the Netherlands.

That was blamed on high energy costs.

The National Farmers union said it expected production of salad ingredients to fall to the lowest since records began in 1985.

One leading retail boss blamed the shortage on a lack of government support for domestic growers.

Justin King is a non-executive director of Marks & Spencer.

He said Britain was uniquely exposed to imports at this time of year as the government chose not to help growers in the UK with their energy bills.

King also said Brexit had caused real disruption.

But lawmakers who supported Britain leaving the EU rejected the idea it was responsible for the current crisis.