Brie Larson Has Made So Much Marvel Money That Her Net Worth Is Super-Sized

brie larson
Brie Larson Has Made So Much Marvel MoneyStephane Cardinale - Corbis - Getty Images

Brie Larson is out here collecting Marvel checks like infinity stones, and her net worth is piling up faster than my bank account is diminishing—a true feat, trust me!

Most of Brie's money comes from Marvel, but let's not forget that she won a casual Oscar for Room (which lead to a buncha successful campaigns and endorsements) and has been in several blockbusters including Kong: Skull Island. So how much does Brie have in the bank? Time for a quick breakdown that'll make you feel equal parts jealous and inspired—and psst: you can jump to the table of contents if you're only interested in one aspect of her wealth (ya know, like her Captain Marvel salary....)

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How Much Did Brie Larson Make for Captain Marvel?

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Brie made $5 million to play Captain Marvel (a deal they say "bests" the $500,00 Robert Downey Jr. made for his first turn as Iron Man as well as the $2 million Chadwick Boseman made for Black Panther).

And good for her! FYI, Brie has been a huge proponent of equal pay amid a pretty intense wage gap in Hollywood. Back in 2019, she explained she's all about chatting about her salary—and always asks for more $$$ as a way of paving the way for other women.

“Money is actually something I’m very excited to talk about. It’s this thing that people think is super-icky—and that’s the trap," Brie said. "The trap is they make you feel icky about it, so that you don’t ask for what you deserve—because you know what that number is inside.”

She added, “When women talk to me about this, I say, ‘You know, don’t even do it for you, if that makes you feel weird right now. Do it for the women that are gonna come after you. Do it for the next one. Do it for the future you, because you are helping. And if that can give you a little bit more of a stir and a fight, then do it. We need you.’”

How Much Did Brie Larson Make for Avengers: Endgame?

Kay, so there isn't any official reporting on this, but it's safe to say Brie took home at least $5 million. And honestly, it could have been—and likely was—a lot more considering that Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans reportedly got $20 million each, and Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Chris Hemsworth got $15 million each.

Jon Kopaloff - Getty Images

How Much Did Brie Larson Make for The Marvels?

This one is also unknown, but it feels unlikely that Brie would go below $5 million for the movie since it was her rate for Captain Marvel, so...seems safe to assume she got $5 mill or higher!

Brie's Brand Endorsements

Remember in early 2020 (pls no) when everyone started playing Animal Crossing as a coping mechanism and life revolved around planting your garden and paying back Tom Nook? Well Brie had an endorsement with Nintendo at the time, blessing us with content like this:

Anyway, thanks to contracts being rudely private we don't know what Brie made for this or her other endorsements (like with Nissan) but gonna assume the number is in the millions based on her net worth alone (getting to that in a min).

Brie's Real Estate Holdings

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Brie has a $3.4 million home in Malibu as well as a $1.6 million home in the San Fernando Valley. She's also sold homes in Studio City and Laurel Canyon back in 2019—so she definitely views real estate as an investment!

What Is Brie Larson's Net Worth?

Per good ol' Celebrity Net Worth, Brie Larson's net worth is $25 million. I'll give you a moment to process, regain your composure, and ask your mom why she never enrolled you in acting classes.

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