Bradley Whitford Explains 'Fakest Thing' About 'The West Wing' As He Campaigns For Biden

“The West Wing” star Bradley Whitford thinks the beloved Washington, D.C., drama got one big thing wrong about conservatives.

Addressing voters in a campaign fundraising email for President Joe Biden on Tuesday, the veteran actor wrote, “The fakest thing about ‘The West Wing’ was that we had rational Republicans.”

“In reality, the GOP today is led by a racist birther and twice-impeached con man who is now a convicted felon,” added Whitford, who played fictional White House deputy chief of staff Josh Lyman on the early-2000s NBC drama.

But former President Donald Trump wasn’t “the only one at fault” for the Republican Party’s increasingly extreme stances, Whitford wrote. “He’s been embraced by spineless MAGA extremists at every rung of the Party ladder.”

Bradley Whitford attends a SAG-AFTRA Foundation event in Los Angeles last October. He helped President Biden campaign for his second term in office in a fundraising email on Tuesday.
Bradley Whitford attends a SAG-AFTRA Foundation event in Los Angeles last October. He helped President Biden campaign for his second term in office in a fundraising email on Tuesday. Amanda Edwards via Getty Images

“That’s why I’m urging everyone to take concrete steps that will help reelect President Joe Biden,” the message continued.

Whitford’s email echoed the pricey new ad spree the Biden camp kicked off on Monday.

In the 30-second spot, called “Character Matters,” the incumbent called the 2024 election a race between a “convicted criminal who’s only out for himself” and “a president who’s fighting for your family.”

Team Biden reportedly splashed out $50 million to target voters in battleground states with the message, which will air throughout June.
