Bobby Yip's son attracts attention for good looks again



4 Aug – Bobby Yip, most known for playing comedy characters in Stephen Chow's movies, recently made an appearance at a banquet.

But it was his son who got everybody talking.

In a photo that has now gone viral, Bobby's son Yip Pak Sing can be seen sitting next to the actor and talking to guests, showing good manners as he addressed his seniors.

Many also took notice that his looks and style have "evolved" again to now resemble Taiwanese singer-songwriter Jam Hsiao, with some wondering how he is the son of the man who used to claim himself as "the ugliest man in Hong Kong".


 Yip Pak Sing looks more like Jam Hsiao now, say netizens
Yip Pak Sing looks more like Jam Hsiao now, say netizens


Bobby first became popular after participating in Stephen Chow's "God of Cookery". In the past, the actor once joked about his looks compared to his son, saying that Pak Sing is way more handsome than him.

"Sometimes I wonder if he is my own," he joked.


 Bobby admitted to be perplexed by son's good looks
Bobby admitted to be perplexed by son's good looks


(Photo Source: hket, Bobby Yip Weibo)