Why is there blood in my sperm?

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From Netdoctor

While finding blood in your semen (also known as haematospermia) can seem worrying, it’s often easily treatable and is usually nothing to be concerned about.

However, if you do discover blood when you ejaculate, it’s best to visit your GP, to uncover the cause and start a course of treatment, if required.

What will blood in my semen look like?

‘Blood in semen is usually in the form of bright red streaks,’ says Dr Riccardo Di Cuffa, Director and GP at Your Doctor. ‘When it looks like this, it’s as a result of a fresh bleed. Blood comprising clots, or blood that is darker brown in colour, indicates an older bleed.’

You might also notice that your semen is stained pink in colour.

Why is there blood in my semen?

‘Most of the causes of blood in semen are benign and not serious,’ explains Dr Di Cuffa.

‘The most common causes of blood in semen are prostatitis, which is an infection or inflammation of the prostate, or vesiculitis, which is the inflammation or infection of seminal vesicles – glands that produce fluid for ejaculation,’ he adds.

‘Sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia, can also cause blood in semen, as can recent surgery or a trauma.’

Genital herpes and trichomoniasis are other STI's that may cause this.

When should I worry about blood in my semen?

There are a few less common causes of blood in your semen, which can be more serious. These include:

  • Having severe high blood pressure

  • A bleeding disorder (where your blood does not clot properly). In some haematological cancers such as leukaemia or lymphoma where ability to clot is affected)

  • A form of cancer, such as bladder, prostate or testicular cancer.

  • Rarer causes such as TB or Schistosomiasis

  • Having seminal vesicle calculi which are small stones in the seminal vesicles

What should I do?

If you find blood in your semen, visit your GP, who will start to determine the cause and whether further treatment will be required. They will ask how often you have experienced this and ask about other symptoms.

‘Your GP will assess your symptoms, age and medical history, as well as taking your blood pressure, and conducting an examination of the testes and abdomen,’ says Dr Di Cuffa.

‘A rectal examination may be required, and a dip stick of urine may be done and blood tests booked, to rule out a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The outcome of these tests will then determine whether you will need further investigations.

'If you are under 40 and have only had one or two incidents, and if all other findings are normal, it’s likely that you will be monitored with instructions,' he adds. 'If you are over 40 and your symptoms are recurrent, you may need a referral to a specialist’

If there is anything in your history, examination or tests suggesting a potentially serious underlying cause you will also be referred. If so this would be to a Urologist who treats problems of the urinary system.

If it is thought to be due to a simple urine infection you may simply be treated with antibiotics.

If it is thought linked to a STI you may be referred to a Sexual Health Clinic for treatment and contact tracing.

Any high blood pressure will be treated separately.

Blood in semen treatment

Your treatment plan will depend on the results of the investigations.

‘If it’s an infection or inflammation, antibiotics or anti-inflammatories will settle symptoms most of the time,’ says Dr Di Cuffa.

If the problem is more serious the Urologist may investigate with ultrasound scan and possible biopsy of the prostate gland.

Most causes of haematospermia have no effect on fertility, unless the cause is certain sexually transmitted infections that can affect fertility in some cases.

If you have had a recent prostate procedure any associated haematospermia should resolve within three to four weeks but keep your doctor or nurse informed.

Last updated: 31-03-2020

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