55″ Tablet – Yes, FIFTY FIVE INCHES – now launched for RM27,000!

By Calvin Khong

Thinner smartphones, smaller flashdrives and portable size tablets are flooding the market. So how does one stands out? You go big! InFocus decided to release to the world a 55-inch "tablet" by intruding its Mondopad. The name definitely suits the product. Users can thank PPT Media Sdn Bhd for bringing in the full HD tablet in Malaysia.

Integrated with Windows 7, it is also has video conferencing module and whiteboard functionality. The largest touch-tablet in the world is meant to make business meeting rooms more fun and to enhance experience in creative environments. While it is meant for work, we don't see any reason why hooking it up to a game console is wrong. It can work, as InFocus mention that this is an open architecture product.

This means the Mondopad can be installed with any third party software and hardware allowing users to mix and match the best of all worlds. So that means it can also function as a Full HDTV, Blu-ray player or Internet TV with the appropriate drivers uploaded.

With its LCD display (1920 x 1080 pixels), the Mondopad's screen is designed for multitouch (up to three touch points) and comprehensive whiteboard functionality. Local or remote users can share, view and control presentations from their PC, tablets and smartphones.

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Mondopad's WiFi also ensures that participants have the right level of access. In another word, authorized users are able to connect directly to a local network through the display. With that access they can then deliver documents to the display or access the Internet without connecting to a private network. Those who are far away, whether from a different room or a different country, can also see what is on Mondopad's display via a webpage served by the giant tablet.

For organization who are interested in the Mondopad, it is available immediately through PPT Media at RM27,000.

Source: PC.com