Five Miles Up: Jon Batiste makes music everywhere

A question on every FMU column focuses on travel playlists – music that evokes a time or place. Jon Batiste’s urban jazz befits destinations from the sultriness of New Orleans to the instant communities of New York’s subway platforms, both locations where he and his band, Stay Human, have been known to strike up impromptu concerts. If a spot on his travel wish list comes to fruition … look out Mars! Some riffs from his debut album, “Social Music,” will be heading your way.

What’s something you never fail to pack in your suitcase?
Harmonabord, Bible, and my Native American, black-and-white, linen pants

Carry-on or check-in?

Window or aisle?

What’s your idea of the perfect vacation?
Being somewhere that has magic and people who inspire me.

Tell us about a vacation you’ve taken that’s come close thus far.
I’ve never taken a vacation as an adult. The last vacation I took was to Disney World when I was a kid. For that time, it felt like the perfect vacation.

What’s the worst annoyance you’ve encountered while traveling?
Losing stuff here and there. I hate it because you're moving on, and these things you leave behind are pieces of your past you can never get back.

Where’s your favorite destination for performing?
All different kinds of venues. Two of my favorites are the New York City subway trains and immaculate concert halls.

What's the most decadent souvenir you’ve ever brought back from a trip?
A 5' 6" brunette.

Ever try a food you wished you hadn't?
I'm always grateful just for the privilege of having a meal, even if it's something that doesn't fit my taste.

Favorite hotel, resort, yurt, train, boat you've ever stayed in/on?
St. Regis Doha and the Four Seasons Hotel Beirut.

Favorite restaurant you’ve discovered while traveling.
Nobu in Los Angeles.

Biggest regret you've ever had while on vacation.
Often, I’m in and out of cities so quickly, there's very little time, if any, to see the sights, meet the people and appreciate the local communities.

The one thing you're willing to splurge on when traveling above all else.

Three songs on your travel playlist?
Mariah Carey’s “Vision of Love,” Ed Sheeran’s “The A Team” and Of Monsters and Men’s “King and Lionheart.”

You only get one more trip in your lifetime. Where will it be?
Space, or if it has to be on Earth, then Jerusalem, Israel.