Big Brother Recap: Who Didn’t Survive the Season’s Second Double Eviction?

Only seven people were left in the Big Brother house vying for the $750,000 prize, but by the end of Thursday’s live double eviction, two more houseguests saw their dream of winning go up in smoke.

At the start of the episode, Blue is still pretty certain that she’s not the target. Cirie, however, wants to force a tie so that Jag will have to cut Blue to her face, live on national television. It’s a decent plan that would secure Blue’s vote if Cirie could make it happen, but let’s be real: It’s a longshot.

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Felicia decides to throw a few wrenches herself. She blabs to Jag that Cirie and Matt both want him out. Her goal: Inch her way to a Final 2 with Jag. He suspects she might be trying to drive a wedge between him and Matt, but really, he has no idea what the truth actually is.

We flash back to the night before where Cirie tells Fe that Matt admitted Jag has to go. We rewind even further (because of course Big Brother‘s got the receipts) and yep! Matt did say it. But in a confessional, he tells us he’s not really sure if he’d take that shot at Jag, but he does think he has a better shot at winning against Cirie.

EVICTION NO. 1 | Since it’s double eviction night, there’s no time to waste. Julie breaks the news of the action-to-come, and they get right to the first vote. America’s final speech is a comical (ish?) takedown of Jag. She says she wants to stay to help them slay the season’s comp beast. Her wish is granted, and Blue becomes the night’s first victim. She doesn’t look surprised though, and Julie confirms that Blue was told just minutes before showtime that she’d be leaving the house. (Why can’t we have any good blindsides anymore?)

EVICTION NO. 2 | In the Head of Household competition, the houseguests are shown three movie posters and must answer questions about them once they disappear. Matt and Bowie Jane tie with four points each and after a tiebreaker, Bowie Jane becomes the new HOH. She then makes her (truly boring) nominations: Felicia and America.

In the veto competition, players must dive into a box of movie theater popcorn in search of candy. Then, they must race up some stairs and drop the candy into a straw that’s on the other side of their plexiglass. The first to four candies wins and that houseguest is… Matt. Will he keep noms the same or make a big move? Ha! As if that’s even a question. Matt protects Jag (aka, the eventual BB25 winner) by not using the veto, and America is evicted from the house.

Thoughts on this double eviction? We want to hear them! Drop ’em in a comment below.

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