Beto Kusyairy assured safety following convoy road accident

16 Nov - Beto Kusyairy recently assured that he is fine, following reports of a road accident involving the WMGS convoy.

Sharing his update on social media, Beto stated that he is doing just fine following the accident, and that the doctors found no fractures whatsoever following an x-ray exam.

"Praise be to God, they're just minor injuries. I just hope that to those who watch this [video] to pray for one of WMGS rider, Ali who's not doing so well. Please pray for his health and so that he and his family will be given strength," he said.

Beto also reminded other riders to be careful especially during this rainy season, as the roads are extra slippery.

"Also thank you for those who expressed concern for me," he added.

Beto was among those injured during the Solidariti Wings Motor Gang Society (WMGS) convoy, which happened at the North South Highway near Ladang Bikam, as they headed towards Ipoh from Kuala Lumpur. The convoy was held to show solidarity to Palestinians and Gazans amid the ongoing atrocities against them.

 The convoy was headed by Wings Motor Gang Society
The convoy was headed by Wings Motor Gang Society

(Photo Source: Wings Motor Gang Society IG, Beto Kusyairy IG)