Bea Hayden is allergic to white rice

26 Jun - Taiwanese actress Bea Hayden recently revealed that she has a peculiar allergy, which is that she can't eat white rice.

In an interview on "Ride the Wind 2024", the actress said that her body would itch whenever she eats white rice and that she would develop acne during childhood whenever she consumed it.

She initially thought it was a common phenomenon during puberty, only to be informed during an allergen test that it was from food allergy. The worst was when her mouth ulcerated from eating white rice.

While some netizens didn't believe the statement given, saying that Bea's father once said she will say she is allergic to something when she doesn't want it, others defended the actress, saying that being allergic to white rice is not uncommon.

One netizen wrote, "My son is allergic to rice and has been eating potatoes for half a year."

Another commented that they have a child who is allergic to milk and will be down with fever whenever they drink it.

It is noted that rice allergy is common in East Asian countries, but its prevalence is much lower in the United States and Europe. Allergic individuals can be affected by both cooked and uncooked versions.

The actress is married to Jacky Heung
The actress is married to Jacky Heung

(Photo Source: Bea Hayden Weibo, Jacky Heung IG)