Bald Eagle Steals Meal From Younger Eagle in Northern Minnesota

A young bald eagle in northern Minnesota learned its place in the pecking order when an older bald eagle swept down by surprise and took possession of the deer carcass it was feasting on.

The violent robbery was captured on a trail camera operated by Duluth resident Gary E Peterson.

Peterson, who operates a number of cameras in the state,, said he had placed a camera next to the dead deer, which he assumed was killed by either wolves or coyotes.

Peterson’s footage shows the young bald eagle comfortably feasting on the carcass as smaller birds linger around waiting for scraps. Suddenly, an older bald eagle sweeps in from out of frame and shoves the young eagle away from the deer. As the younger eagle flies away to escape, the older eagle perches atop the carcass and takes its first bite. Credit: Gary E Peterson via Storyful