'Bake Off': The four biggest talking points from biscuit week

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There were tears for Carole in biscuit week. (Channel 4)

It's biscuit week for the Great British Bake Off contestants who made it through last week's series opener, with bakers facing the annual challenge of trying to stop their biscuit structures from crumbling.

This year's competition included a task to make a biscuit mask, with some stunning results, as well as macarons and garibaldis on the menu.

Read more: Bake Off's biggest controversies over the years

Week two also included the excitement of not one, but two Hollywood Handshakes - these were the biggest moments from the tent this week.

Sandro's mega burger order

Sandro  (Channel 4)
Sandro revealed a startling takeaway order. (Channel 4)

The benefit of working out for two hours every day is that Sandro can go all in on his cheat days - which formed the inspiration for his illusion macarons.

Like Carole, Sandro created macarons that looked like burgers, supersizing his order with some fondant chips, but it was nothing on his real burger order preferences.

Viewers were astounded as Sandro admitted: "I eat quite healthily the majority of the time, but my burger order is ridiculous. So I'll get normally a triple cheeseburger. And I'll also get like a full chicken burger as well with it.

"And nuggets."

First Hollywood Handshakes of 2022

Maxy's macarons were a hit with Paul Hollywood. (Channel 4)

Macarons obviously put steely judge Paul Hollywood in a good mood, as he doled out two Hollywood Handshakes for perfect bakes - the first of the series.

First up were Dawn's macaron yo-yos, with Hollywood telling her: "The macarons are perfect."

He was equally impressed by Maxy's macaron daisies, shaking her hand and saying: "They're absolutely delicious, so light and summery."

Feathering misunderstanding

Syabira made some intricate white chocolate feathers. (Channel 4)
Syabira made some intricate white chocolate feathers. (Channel 4)

Biscuit week's technical divided the tent as they took on garibaldi biscuits (or squashed fly biscuits) which some bakers had never heard of and others couldn't stand.

However, the real controversy was over the decoration as the recipe called for feathering the white chocolate.

Read more: All the Bake Off winners and where they are now

Sandro laughed that for a moment he'd forgotten what feathering was, mistaking it for making actual white chocolate feathers...as the camera panned to Abdul and Syabira doing exactly that.

To be fair, they were beautiful chocolate feathers, but unfortunately the mistake put Syabira in last place in the challenge.

Biscuit mask stress

James created an incredible horror mask made of brandy snaps. (Channel 4)

The biscuit structure is invariably one of the most stressful challenges in any Bake Off series, and this year's was no exception as the bakers were asked to make edible decorative masks.

Every contestant managed to come up with something stunning, from Maxy's colourful feathered mask to Janusz's Cubist work of art, Kevin's siren mask and James' brandy snap creation inspired by Pan's Labyrinth.

But poor Carole was left in tears when her Phantom of the Opera mask collapsed on its stand and crumbled on the bench, while Rebs looked crestfallen over criticisms about the spicing of her gingerbread and Maisam, who finished with half an hour to spare, was criticised for going too simple.

The Great British Bake Off continues on Tuesdays at 8pm on Channel 4.

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