Azri Iskandar to tie the knot anew this month

10 Jun – Not a month after he and wife of 19 years Ellie Suriaty ended their marriage, actor Azri Iskandar admitted that he will be tying the knot again soon.

Speaking to the media about his current status, the 54-year-old actor said that he will be marrying 43-year-old scriptwriter Dr Azra Diera, and is planning to meet the latter's family on 23 June.

"For now, we don't have any date for the wedding. But in two weeks, I will be going to Perlis to meet her family. I hope that we can get married as soon as possible, possibly this month," he said.

Nonetheless, Azri denied the notion that Azra was a third party in his previous marriage with Ellie, saying that he met Azra 12 days following his divorce.

"We were working on a project with RTM. I contacted her to ask more about the script. From then on, I was attracted to her and decided to be truthful about it. I didn't expect that she reciprocated. We decided to get married because we aren't young anymore. I want to move on and not to waste more time," he said.

Azri and Ellie ended their marriage back on 17 May, with Ellie admitting that she had deliberated on the decision for the past couple of years. The two are parents to son Azrell Omar and daughter Nur Azreen.

Aside from his two children with Ellie, Azri is also a father of three children from his first marriage.

Azri and Ellie have two children together
Azri and Ellie have two children together

(Photo Source: Ellie Suriaty & Azri Iskandar Instagram, Roti Kaya)