Armed Forces: Newly mobilized receive compulsory training, immediate deployment to frontline prohibited

Summer mobilization
Summer mobilization

84% of citizens joining the army after mobilization are not immediately deployed to the front, with only those possessing combat experience potentially permitted for such duty, Ukraine’s Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi said in an interview with journalists.

“The vast majority of conscripted arrive at training military units and centers to undergo special training, only after it can they be sent to resupply military units to restore their combat capability," he said.

Training period takes not less than one month, Chief Public Relations Officer of the Ukrainian Ground Forces Command, Lt. Col. Volodymyr Fityo, noted.

Men without military experience have not been allowed to go directly to the front since summer 2023, after the Armed Forces Statute on Internal Service has been amended –from then the commander has to prohibit mobilized persons who do not have combat experience or have not completed training to fight. Control over this norm compliance is entrusted to the commanders themselves.

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The training period for mobilized paratroopers is 1-2 months, Air Force Command Staff Deputy Chief Viktor Lyulchak said.

The trainings terms comply with the legislation, Defense Ministry said in an interview with UNIAN.

"The terms of preparation do not change,” the department explained.

“Everything will continue to happen in accordance with the legislation: basic military training has to take up to 30 days in compliance with Ukraine’s legislation. Professional training, depending on the military accounting specialty, takes from 14 to 50 days followed by collective training for up to 15 days." 

The Ukrainian men willing to join the Armed Forces can apply to certain vacancies as Ukraine’s Defense Ministry cooperates with the following recruiting platforms:

  • Lobby X,



  • OLX.

The list of vacancies proposed is consistently wide, so it can be concluded that various specialists will be in demand in the Ukrainian army.

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