Anthony Loke: Special 'GOLD' car number plate open for bidding on FT day, 50pc revenue to fund Socso for taxi drivers
PUTRAJAYA, Jan 30 — Transport Minister Anthony Loke today announced that the Road Transport Department (JPJ) will open the "GOLD” series number plate bidding in conjunction with the 50th Federal Territories Day.
Loke, who is also the Seremban MP, said the Ministry of Transport (MOT) will receive 50 per cent of the earnings, which would fund ongoing and new initiatives such as the Social Security Organisation (Socso) contribution for 40,000 taxi drivers in Malaysia.
"The special registration numbers of the GOLD series offering is an effort by MOT to realise the government's wishes by implementing initiatives under the ministry such as driving licence assistance, helmet assistance and FlySISWA subsidies.
"Another initiative that we will implement right after we get this result is to contribute to Socso for all taxi drivers across the country.
"So this bid, firstly, we offer to the public and the amount MOT will receive from the revenue will be 50 per cent, and we will use the funds to help the people and help certain groups. So we expect that this GOLD Series will be able to generate more revenue,” he said in a press conference at his ministry, here.
The highest revenue JPJ ever received for NPI was for the "FF” series where they generated RM35,000,000.
Loke hopes that they can earn more for the "GOLD” series and urged the public to participate in the bidding as it can help those who are less fortunate in receiving help.
The "GOLD” number plate series bidding is divided into four categories; Golden Number (minimum RM20,000) - GOLD 1, Attractive number (RM3,000) - GOLD 916, Popular number (RM800) and Running number (RM300).
The bidding will be done online through the JPJeBid System and be open for five days starting on 12am February 1, which is Federal Territory Day, until February 5 at 10pm.
Winners of the bidding will be announced the day after on February 6.
The bidding method is subject to the existing terms and conditions that have been set through the JPJeBid System.