Ann Coulter tells Vivek Ramaswamy she won’t vote for him because he’s Indian


Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter told former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy that she wouldn't vote for him because he's Indian.

Key points:

  • Coulter, 62, made the remark during a podcast interview with Ramaswamy, 38.

  • She asserted that the core national identity of the U.S. is defined by White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs).

  • In response, Ramaswamy said he disagrees with Coulter but respects her straightforwardness.

The details:

  • Ramaswamy, an Indian American entrepreneur, ran to become the 2024 Republican presidential nominee before eventually endorsing former President Donald Trump.

  • He and Coulter discussed nationalism and American identity in a recent episode of his "Truth" podcast. In it, Coulter stated that while she agreed with many of his views, she would not vote for him because he's Indian.

  • She went further, indicating that she would only support candidates who are WASPs:

"There is a core national identity that is the identity of the WASP. And that doesn’t mean we can’t take anyone else in — a Sri Lankan, a Japanese or an Indian — but the core around which the nation’s values are formed is the WASP."

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  • Ramaswamy engaged Coulter in conversation, noting how race is a poor indicator of loyalty and emphasizing his own American values. He disagreed with Coulter's stance but maintained that he appreciated her honesty, writing on X: "I disagree with her but respect she had the guts to speak her mind."

  • In a comment, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) criticized Ramaswamy for promoting the episode despite Coulter's racist statements. "What surprised me is the weakness and lack of self-respect of @VivekGRamaswamy," Lieu wrote. "He’s actually promoting this episode and praising the person who spewed raw racism to his face. I feel sorry for Vivek."

The big picture:

  • Coulter's views on identity and heritage align with her broader nationalist rhetoric, which has drawn criticism for promoting exclusionary and discriminatory ideals. She has also made racially charged remarks toward Nikki Haley, another former Indian American presidential candidate, telling her to "go back to your country."


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