Amid public complaints, transport minister vows new carriages for Kelana Jaya LRT line by Aug 2023

Malay Mail
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 8 — New four-car-train sets will be added to the Kelana Jaya Light Rail Transit (LRT) line by August 2023, Transport Minister Anthony Loke said today.

He said this would restore train arrival time to three minutes per interval compared to the current irregularities.

“Right now, there are only 38 trains in operation for the Kelana Jaya line, and this is the busiest train line.

“An interval of five minutes per each train’s arrival is not satisfactory.

“To achieve three minutes per interval there should be 48 trains in operation,” Loke told a press conference today after his visit to the Prasarana Malaysia Berhad headquarters here.

Loke responded to recent grouses on the delay of trains which caused inconvenience to some 200,000 daily commuters.

He explained that the lack of trains was due to maintenance works that are ongoing for 18 train cars.

“I have asked for these maintenance works be expedited, and we will try to restore the number of trains by stages to prevent severe delays to train arrivals.

“With the new trains which we have already bought, it will bring the total trains to 56 trains,” he added.

The Kelana Jaya line became the centre of attention when 16 stations were shut from November 9 to 15 to facilitate repair works.

However, the cause of the train system breakdown has yet to be identified.

“The report will be ready in two weeks’ time and it will be made public. The people deserve to know what is the cause of the technical problems and what will be Prasarana’s next course of action,” he said.

During his briefing with Prasarana, Loke said another issue identified is malfunctioning elevators at monorail stations.

“Almost all the lifts at the monorail stations are not functioning at the moment.

“I have ordered repairs be carried out, but in the meantime, I have asked for the auxiliary police to help particularly disabled persons to get to the rail platforms,” he said adding that repairs could only begin in February 2023 after the procurement process is completed.

Loke also addressed a promise that was made to the public to offer first and last-mile incentives as an effort to ease journeys to public transport stations.

“I have asked that a study be carried out immediately to see how this can be implemented the soonest,” he said.

When asked if there should be an overhaul of the Prasarana management in light of continuous problems faced, Loke said it was out of his jurisdiction who manages the transport service provider.

“Ministry of Transport is only responsible for operations, I don’t have the power to interfere in who runs Prasarana as it is under the purview of Ministry of Finance,” he said.