American tourist killed in elephant attack while on Zambia safari tour

American tourist killed in elephant attack while on Zambia safari tour

An 80-year-old american woman has been killed by a bull elephant while on a safari holiday in Zambia.

An elephant attacked a truck which was on a safari tour from Lufupa camp at Kafue National Park Zambia in a terrifying incident captured on video.

The incident occurred at around 9.30am on March 30.

The viral video has attracted millions of views on social media. It shows the adult male elephant trailing the vehicle before swiftly approaching the group as the guide can be heard shouting “hey, hey, hey.” The elephant then knocks the game-viewing vehicle.

Safari operators Wilderness explained: "An aggressive bull elephant charged the vehicle carrying six guests and a guide who were on a game drive from Lufupa Camp.”

Local media was told by the tour company’s chief executive officer Keith Vincent that the guide’s route became blocked with terrain and vegetation, so they were unable to move themselves from harms way quickly enough.

“This is a tragic event and we extend our deepest condolences to the family of the guest who died” he said. He added that local Zambian authorities and the US embassy in Lusaka will work to have the elderly woman's remains repatriated to her family in the States.

ABC News identified the woman who has been killed in the incident as Gail Mattson.

Another female guests was also hospitalised after being left injured but managed to survive the attack, whilst a further four sustained minor injuries.

When bull elephants are ready to breed, they have been known to enter a periodic condition called musth, and can be highly violent towards humans.