Aid Worker in Hatay Province Films Aftermath of New Earthquake

An aid worker involved in ongoing search and rescue operations in Turkey’s Hatay province filmed the aftermath of a new 6.4-magnitude earthquake that struck the already devastated region on Monday evening, February 20.

The Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) said the quake occurred at 8:04 pm in the Defne district of Hatay province, just two weeks after deadly earthquakes in the area killed over 49,000 people.

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said at least three people had died and 213 people were injured after the new earthquake and its aftershocks rocked the region.

Footage streamed to Facebook by Salam Aldeen shows damage in Antakya, in the Hatay province.

Aldeen told Storyful he had been searching for a missing family just 10 minutes before the earthquake struck. He said a building collapsed in front of his team.

“I thought the world was going to end,” Aldeen told Storyful.

According to media reports, Aldeen, the founder of Team Humanity, is a veteran aid and rescue worker who has operated in Greece, Syria, Ukraine and Afghanistan. Aldeen and his team have been involved in the rescue efforts in Antakya following the February 6 earthquakes. Credit: Salam Aldeen via Storyful

Video transcript


SALAM ALDEEN: Right now, new earthquake hit. The buildings fell down.


SALAM ALDEEN: We all came here. This buildings fall down. Everything fall down around.


SALAM ALDEEN: Turn off the light. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. Turn off the lights. Turn it off. We need the battery.


SALAM ALDEEN: Brother, let's go. There was people there. Did you check them? Yes, I know. I know. Yo, about there, is everything OK?


SALAM ALDEEN: Listen, maybe there.


SALAM ALDEEN: An earthquake right now just happens. 6.4 earthquake just hit. Over there, is there people there?


SALAM ALDEEN: Where is the people? 6.4 earthquake just hit where we were. I'm telling you guys, the car was shaking. I was in the middle in the street, sitting in the car. We couldn't even move. It was first time in my life I could feel shaking. It's there? Let's go.

It was in Antakya it hit? 6.4, was Antakya hit or what?

- I don't know. But it's probably in [MUFFLED PLACE NAME]

SALAM ALDEEN: It was a very-- I never--

- Here, you saw the blue lights?

SALAM ALDEEN: I was so crazy.

- Yeah.

SALAM ALDEEN: It was insane. Yeah, I saw the blue lights also. There is people alive that was standing next to the building. There. There's people there.

- Well, there's another senior. They went there.

SALAM ALDEEN: They went there? The seniors went there? It's OK? The team also went there? Let's go. Take the car. Take the car. Let's go there. Let's go this way. The car is there. The car is there. Turn off the light. Drive. I'm going to walk here, OK? Just drive. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know.

I'm telling you guys, this earthquake, it was really like a feeling that the end of this world. It was shaking. The building started shaking. They say it's 6.4. That's a heavy one. Maybe there's going to be after-- drive. Wait. Wait.

Let's drive this thing in the front there. Go, go, go quick in the front. Wow, never seen something in my life. Drive there. Ask is everybody OK. move straight.


SALAM ALDEEN: We better-- no, no, no. The soldiers' there. Everything is OK. We have been there. It's OK. Go straight.


SALAM ALDEEN: Go straight. Ask if they're OK here. Ask.


SALAM ALDEEN: There is other street there where we saw these people.


SALAM ALDEEN: They didn't see. Go straight to the left. I know the route.


SALAM ALDEEN: Go straight to the left. A 6.4, this is insane. Go. Go, go, go. Be careful. The buildings can fall down. Look, they're already fall down here. Go straight. Be careful because of the stones.

Ask of the soldiers, right or left. Lost-- ask the soldiers here. Ask. Stop here. Stop. Ask. Excuse me. Ask him. Where is-- do he know if there is anyone there?


SALAM ALDEEN: He doesn't know. He's sitting on the phone. Brother, you know what you do?

- What?

SALAM ALDEEN: Go straight there. Go straight. Give me the phone. I got to charge. Look, the people are walking around.

- Oh, yeah.

SALAM ALDEEN: But then, it can come again, new one.

- Yeah, aftershock.

SALAM ALDEEN: You know how lucky we were not next to that building. We were standing next to the building. 30 minutes ago, we were standing next to the building. Slowly. There is a lot of people there. Go. Go, go, go, go, go.

Oh, my god. There was a lot of people still working on this. Go straight. Ask if they need help. If they know anyone needs help, stop.


SALAM ALDEEN: They said?

- Get out of the building.

SALAM ALDEEN: Yes. And of course, they're falling down. All the buildings are falling down now. Be careful. Be careful. Turn off the light, brother. Turn off the light. Be careful. Be careful.

- With him?

SALAM ALDEEN: No, go straight. Go straight and go to the right. I know this road. There were people standing next to these houses. You remember the house it was next to?

- No, no. I don't remember.

SALAM ALDEEN: Look, look, look, look, look, they're all-- be careful! look! Everything is-- look, look, look the road. Got to the right. Go to the right immediately. Right. Right here.


SALAM ALDEEN: Be careful. Be careful! You almost hitting-- Go. Go, go, go, go. Go straight. I know what's there. You remember that place where there was-- oh, look the road. Look the road. It's opened. Did you see that? There was hole in the road. There is a new one coming, for sure.

Panic everywhere. Look. Oh, my god, I never experienced it in my life. That was a strong, heavy-- go. See? There is nobody there. Go, go, go.

- Ease up here.

SALAM ALDEEN: Slowly, slowly, slowly. Slowly. Go. This building fall down. Go.


SALAM ALDEEN: Go straight.


SALAM ALDEEN: Be careful.


SALAM ALDEEN: Go straight. Go straight. Stop here. Stop. Let me see. Go straight. Go straight. There is rescues here? Go there. Go, go, go. Look, the building in the front blocked everything. There was people sitting there. Look. You remember the people sitting there? Look, the whole building fell down! Shit.

- They were. It wasn't-- There were--

SALAM ALDEEN: Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Ask them.

- [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Brother, he said it collapsed.

SALAM ALDEEN: It collapsed? But there was no people there?

- Yeah.

SALAM ALDEEN: Because this is the people I saw.

- I'll make a U-turn.

SALAM ALDEEN: Oh, we need our-- go, go, go, go, go straight. I have my thermal camera. My-- what do you call it?

- Drone?

SALAM ALDEEN: The drone. 6.4, you know how heavy it is?

- It was big.

SALAM ALDEEN: Go straight. Left. First time you can go left.

- That them?

SALAM ALDEEN: Yeah, I'm going to tell you where. Go straight. Straight. Here. Wait. Wait. There. What is there? Oh, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

We are in Antakya. And the earthquake hit with 6.4 here. 6.4. We were sitting in the car on the street when that happens. Slowly, slowly, slowly. Left. Left immediately.

Oh, look at the road. Look at the road. Look at the road. What happened with it?

- Oh.

SALAM ALDEEN: Oh, my god! This road's gonna fall down. Go left. Go left. Quick, before it's gonna--

- That left?

SALAM ALDEEN: Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.