90s TV star A.J. Langer’s aristocrat husband files for divorce

After nearly 20 years, the fairy-tale marriage of A.J. Langer and her aristocrat husband Charles Courtenay has come to an end.

The Earl of Devon filed for divorce in Los Angeles on Thursday from the 49-year-old actress known for roles in “Baywatch” and “My So-Called Life.”

“After much care and consideration, Charles Courtenay, the Earl of Devon, and Countess of Devon, Allison Joy Courtenay, have made the decision to separate and to divorce,” the official statement from Powderham Castle read.

“Charlie would like to express his gratitude for his partnership with A.J. and all that they have created together as parents, friends and partners both in Los Angeles and at Powderham.”

According to The Blast, Courtenay cited “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the split in the legal filing. He is requesting joint custody of the couple’s two children: Joscelyn,16, and Jack, 14. The date of separation was listed as Sept. 30.

The ’90s TV star met her future husband during a bachelorette party in Las Vegas in 2002.

She told People in 2017, “We caught eyes and smiled. The kilt was a novelty. The smile was all I needed. We instantly got on like a house on fire.”

Courtenay, 48, owns the 12th-century ancestral home of Powderham Castle in Scotland.

He was elected to sit in the House of Lords in 2018. The lifetime appointment, which only hereditary peers can serve in, allows members to make laws, look over public policy and hold the U.K. government accountable.
