7 Life Hacks So Good, People Tried Their Hardest To Gatekeep Them
Whether you’ve got a candle whose wick has “tunnelled” through your candle’s wax or wish cooking jacket potatoes was a bit faster, little tricks that lessen everyday annoyances are always welcome.
So I was pretty excited when I read a Reddit thread started by site user u/Apart-Location-804, which read: “What’s a life hack so good you almost don’t want to share it?”
The post, shared to r/AskReddit, included advice on everything to winning arguments to avoiding tough customers.
Here are some of the most upvoted comments:
1) “If you and another person are arguing over who gets a lemon, you’ll eventually agree to just cut it in half.”
“But if you ask why they want the lemon, you’ll find out one person wants to juice it and one person wants the skin for zest for a recipe, so each party can have 100% of what they want if they just take the time to see the ‘why’ of the other person.” u/Revolution37
2) “I work as a receptionist and my supervisor always asks me why our guests like me even if they are rude to other staff.”
“My trick is when someone is checking in that looks like a typical Karen I always give them a compliment like ‘Where did you get your nails done? They are so pretty!’ It usually works.” u/Pure_Point2682
3) “Find a pair of socks you really like. Buy like... 40 pairs. Throw out your other socks.”
“Now you can just grab any two socks and have a pair. Get a hole in one? Throw it out. You still have tons of others of the same.” u/PretzelsThirst
4) “We have a designated spot for things like glasses, sunglasses, keys and phones. If anyone in the house comes across any of these items they get put back in ‘their spot’.”
“For instance, if I see my SO’s sunglasses laying about I’ll take them to the window ledge as that’s where all our glasses/sunglasses go. We both know where to look for stuff that way.” u/4986270
5) “You don’t have to respond to every text or call.”
6) “If you need the toilet in a city, just go to a nice hotel. Easy access in most lobbies, very clean toilets. Some even have scented moisturiser etc.”
7) “I create a QR code to make it easier for my guests to access Wi-Fi. No more awkwardly dictating long passwords!”
Do you have anything to add or have thoughts on the above? Let us know!